Mistura jħabbru mini-album bl-isem “MMXX”

Id-duo lokali Mistura għadu kif ħareġ mini-album ġdid bl-isem “MMXX”, li bħas-soltu għandu lirika bil-Malti. Apparti l-kanzunetti “Ma Niflaħx” u “Nifs”, li Mistura ħarġu aktar kmieni din is-sena, dan il-mini-album fih tliet kanzunetti ġodda oħra. L-album qiegħed kollu kemm hu fuq Spotify fejn wieħed jista’ jisimgħu b’xejn f’dan il-link:

“Dawn huma kanzunetti li ktibna wara li bdiet il-pandemija, u allura ħsibna li jkun jagħmel aktar sens li naqbdu u noħorġuhom issa ħalli jkunu parti mill-istorja straordinarja ta’ din is-sena. Dan ukoll bit-tama li s-sena d-dieħla tkun waħda differenti u aħjar.”

Mistura ddebuttaw fl-2012 fil-festival tal-Għanja tal-Poplu fejn ħadu l-premju WAFA għall-aqwa talent ġdid. Minn dak iż-żmien ’l hawn huma daqqew f’diversi postijiet, fosthom Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, il-Farsons Great Beer Festival, l-Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca u Kotra. Qabel “MMXX” (2020) Mistura ħarġu żewġ studio albums, li huma “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) u “Regħbus” (2018), flimkien ma’ album live ta’ kunċert fl-2016 bl-isem “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”. Aktar dettalji misturamalta.com.

Mistura issue mini-album entitled “MMXX”

Local duo Mistura has just released a new mini-album called “MMXX” with lyrics all in Maltese. In addition to the songs “Ma Niflaħx” and “Nifs”, which Mistura released earlier this year, this mini-album contains three other new songs. The album is entirely on Spotify where you can listen for free at this link:

“These are songs we wrote after the pandemic started, so we thought it would make more sense to release them now so that they are part of this year’s extraordinary story. This also with the hope that next year will be a different and better one.”

Mistura debuted in 2012, at the L-Għanja tal-Poplu festival where they won the WAFA award for Best New Talent. Since then, they performed at a variety of venues including Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, the Farsons Great Beer Festival, the Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca and Kotra. Before “MMXX” (2020) they released two studio albums, “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) and “Regħbus” (2018), together with a live concert album in 2016 called “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”. More details at misturamalta.com.

Ma Niflaħx

Din id-darba m’hemmx ċimbli, ċirimelli u stqarrijiet għall-istampa biex taparsi jġibuna fl-aħbarijiet. Hawn hi l-kanzunetta l-ġdida tagħna – jekk togħġobkom xerrdu l-kelma, agħmlu share u qajmu diskussjoni fuq is-suġġetti li nirreferu għalihom. Kultant l-aħjar Mistura hi li ma nħallux kollox taħt it-tapit imma li nitkellmu fejn hemm il-problema. Fejn qed insofru fil-kwiet imma ma nitkellmux għax naħsbu li waħedna. U nħallu erbat iċwieċ jitnejku bina f’wiċċna. Kemm tiklikkja biex tara l-lyric video.

“Nifs” kanzunetta ġdida ta’ Mistura

Id-duo lokali Mistura għadu kif ħabbar it-tnedija ta’ kanzunetta ġdida bl-isem “Nifs”, li hija l-ewwel waħda wara l-album Regħbus li ħareġ fl-2018. B’tema sajfija, Mistura jiddeskrivu dan l-istaġun partikolari tal-2020 bħala “nifs bejn mewġa u oħra”. Il-kanzunetta, li ttellgħet fuq YouTube b’video mużikali li fih il-kliem tal-kanzunetta, tinsab hawn: https://youtu.be/p72lUQ6dEk4

“Intqal ħafna dwar dak kollu li qiegħed jiġri madwarna din is-sena straordinarja, u aħna m’għandna xi nzidu xejn ħlief li forsi noħolqu ftit ironija mis-sitwazzjoni preżenti b’din il-kanzunetta li nisperaw li tintgħoġob.”

Mistura ddebuttaw fl-2012 fil-festival tal-Għanja tal-Poplu fejn ħadu l-premju WAFA għall-aqwa talent ġdid. Minn dak iż-żmien ’l hawn huma daqqew f’diversi postijiet, fosthom Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, il-Farsons Great Beer Festival, l-Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca u Kotra. Mistura ħarġu żewġ studio albums li huma “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) u “Regħbus” (2018) flimkien ma’ album live ta’ kunċert fl-2016 bl-isem “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”. Aktar dettalji misturamalta.com.

“Nifs” new song by Mistura

Local duo Mistura has just announced the release of a new song called “Nifs”, which is the first since album Regħbus issued in 2018. With a summer theme, Mistura describe this particular 2020 season as “breathing between waves” (“nifs bejn mewġa u oħra”). The song, which has been uploaded on YouTube with a lyric music video, can be watched here: https://youtu.be/p72lUQ6dEk4

“A lot has been said about everything that is happening around us throughout this extraordinary year. We have nothing to add except some irony from the situation we are currently in with this song, which we hope people will like.”

Mistura debuted in 2012, at the L-Għanja tal-Poplu festival where they won the WAFA award for Best New Talent. Since then, they performed at a variety of venues including Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, the Farsons Great Beer Festival, the Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca and Kotra. They released two studio albums, “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) and “Regħbus” (2018) together with a live concert album in 2016 called “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”. More details at misturamalta.com.


Meta bdejna bħala Mistura konna jien u Malcolm. Konna għamilna l-ewwel ftit snin naħdmu online – nibagħtu demos u tracks lil xulxin u nkomplu nibnu fuq fejn l-ieħor ikun wasal. Kif ikollna kanzunetta lesta konna ntellgħuha online immedjatament, u allura kellna ritmu ta’ kanzunetta kull ftit xhur. L-album “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) ħdimnieh b’dal-mod.

Ftit ftit imbagħad inbdilna f’band, ma’ Matthew u Mark u xi drabi ma’ Cheryl, Martina, Janice, Nathalie, Francesco u Joseph. Bdejna ndoqqu ħafna live, partikolarment fl-2015, fejn bdejna anki naħdmu l-arranġamenti tal-kanzunetti ġodda ta’ dan il-perijodu fil-garaxx sakemm ħriġna “Regħbus” (2018). Il-ħoss ta’ dan l-album, fil-fatt, huwa ta’ kif konna ninstemgħu bħala band meta ndoqqu live flimkien. Min qatt daqq f’band jaf kemm esperjenza hekk taf tkun interessanti u ta’ pjaċir uniku. Il-memorji huma sbieħ u l-istejjer huma bosta, partikolarment fil-garaxx li konna napprattikaw fih Rampol Buildings Birkirkara.

Fl-2019, imbagħad, daqqejna live darba u waqafna għal diversi raġunijiet. Ħsibna li għalissa sa nibqgħu weqfin, sakemm l-2020 qalbet id-dinja ta’ kulħadd ta’ taħt fuq. Għall-ewwel xhur ma kellna ċans nagħmlu xejn minħabba impenji oħra, iżda dal-aħħar ġimgħat, kif qaleb Lulju, f’daqqa waħda qisha ġiet il-muża u erġajna skoprejna l-mod oriġinali ta’ kif konna naħdmu tmien u seba’ snin ilu u f’temp ta’ ftit ġimgħat għandna żewġ kanzunetti lesti u oħra nofs triq. U allura jien u Malcolm iddeċidejna li nerġgħu lura għal dan il-metodu. L-ewwel kanzunetta ser intellgħuha fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin u naraw fejn toħodna din l-avventura ġdida.

Aspettattivi kbar m’għandniex. Wara kollox qed nitkellmu fuq kanzunetti, aktar u aktar bil-Malti, u mhux fuq xi rocket li sejjer fuq Mars jew fuq xi kura għall-COVID. Imma bil-ftit tagħna nisperaw li jkun hemm min jieħu gost, u forsi anki jġiegħlu jaħseb xi ftit.

Jekk għadek qed taqra s’hawn isfel, grazzi. Minn dal-kanzunetti ma tieħu xejn ħlief li tiżvoga ftit li jkollok fuq moħħok, li tgħaddi siegħa żmien iddoqq u tirrekordja, u l-apprezzament ta’ nies bħalek li jsegwu li nkunu qegħdin nagħmlu.


L-albums ta’ Mistura issa fuq l-Apps tal-Għażla Tiegħek

Il-grupp lokali Mistura ħabbar li t-tliet albums li ħarġu s’issa jinsabu u jistgħu jiġu streamed online b’mod sħiħ fl-apps tal-għażla tiegħek. Filfatt il-mużika kollha ta’ Mistura, li tammonta għal 36 kanzunetta, issa tinsab fuq Spotify, iTunes, YouTube Music, GooglePlay Music, Amazon Music, Deezer u numru ta’ apps oħra li lkoll jipprovdu servizz ta’ streaming tal-mużika. Dan jinkludi ż-żewġ studio albums, bl-isem “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) u “Regħbus” (2018), flimkien ma’ album live ta’ kunċert bl-isem “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa” (2016).

“Ħassejna li sabiex il-mużika tagħna tkun aktar aċċessibbli hemm bżonn li tkun f’idejn min jinteressah li jismana’ bil-modi differenti kollha li wieħed sar jisma’ l-mużika f’dawn iż-żminijiet. Bħala printing ta’ CDs għandna xi kopji tal-album Regħbus għal min jixtieq pero’ nifhmu li fl-2019 ħafna lanqas biss ikollhom CD Player fuq x’hiex idoqqu l-mużika. Allura dan huwa mod ieħor għalina li bih nilħqu aktar nies”.

Aktar informazzjoni dwar Mistura ssibuha fuq misturamalta.com.

Direct link to Spotify artist page HERE, YouTube Music HERE and Deezer HERE.

Mistura albums now available on Apps of Your Choice

Local band Mistura announced that its three albums are now available and can be streamed online in their entirety on the apps of your choice. In fact all Mistura tracks released to date, amounting to 36 songs, are now found on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube Music, GooglePlay Music, Amazon Music, Deezer and a number of other apps that provide this kind of music streaming service. This includes the two studio albums “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) and “Regħbus” (2018), together with a live album of a concert released as “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa” (2016).

“We felt that for the music to be accessible we need it to be in the hands of those would might be interested to listen to us through all media currently being used to listen to music. With regards to printing of CDs we still have copies of Regħbus for those interested but we understand that in 2019 many people do not even have a CD player on which to play music. This is therefore a new way for us to reach more people.”

More information about Mistura can be found at misturamalta.com.

“Mhux Xorta” it-tieni video mużikali mill-grupp Mistura

Il-grupp lokali Mistura għadu kif nieda t-tieni video mużikali, li huwa għall-kanzunetta “Mhux Xorta” mill-album il-ġdid tagħhom “Regħbus” li ġie mniedi f’Diċembru 2018 u li jinsab għall-bejgħ.

“Kemm-il darba għedna li Walter Micallef kien ta’ influwenza kbira speċjalment fejn tidħol il-lirika bl-ilsien Malti, u din il-kanzunetta hija forsi l-aktar waħda li tmur qrib lejn l-istil niggieżi tiegħu. Il-video din id-darba ħassejna li għandu jkun aktar sempliċi biex l-enfażi filfatt tibqa’ fuq dan il-kliem u ppruvajna nwasslu l-messaġġ li l-iskrin ikompli jitniġġeż hekk kif jiġrielna f’ħajjitna kull meta naċċettaw xi ħaġa u ngħidu l-frażi “mhux xorta”.”

Mistura ddebuttaw fl-2012 fil-festival tal-Għanja tal-Poplu fejn ħadu l-premju WAFA għall-aqwa talent ġdid. Minn dak iż-żmien ’l hawn huma daqqew f’diversi postijiet, fosthom Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, il-Farsons Great Beer Festival, l-Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca u Kotra. Mistura ħarġu żewġ studio albums li huma “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) u “Regħbus” (2018) flimkien ma’ album live ta’ kunċert fl-2016 bl-isem “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”. Aktar dettalji misturamalta.com.

“Mhux Xorta” the second music video by rock band Mistura

Local band Mistura have just released their second music video, this time for their song “Mhux Xorta” from their new album “Regħbus” released in December 2018 and which is currently for sale.

“We have stated many times that Walter Micallef is one of the main influences when it comes to lyrics in the Maltese language, and this song is perhaps the one that comes closest to his style. We also felt that the video should be simpler this time round so that the focus remain the lyrics and we tried to put across the message that the screen is more polluted, similar to what happens in our lives, each time we accept something and utter the words “mhux xorta”.”

Mistura debuted in 2012, at the L-Għanja tal-Poplu festival where they won the WAFA award for Best New Talent. Since then, they performed at a variety of venues including Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, the Farsons Great Beer Festival, the Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca and Kotra. They released two studio albums, “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” (2014) and “Regħbus” (2018) together with a live concert album in 2016 called “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”. More details at misturamalta.com.

What you need to know about our new album REGĦBUS

We’ve had a very hectic run-up to the album launch. We obviously had to finalise the album itself, practice and rehearse the music, promote both the album and the launch event and so on. However now that it has been released (and we’re slightly more relaxed), here are ten things you need to know if you’re interested in what we’re doing in relation to REGĦBUS.

During the album launch gig

(1) The album has been released as part of a launch event, which took place on 1st December 2018 at The Garage in Żebbuġ. We played the whole album live for the first time.

(2) The album is for sale. If you like our songs this is the only way to currently support us and we would truly appreciate it. Send us an email on info@misturamalta.com to agree on a delivery date/place and get a copy. For the time being it is being sold for €10.

(3) Yes the album is all in Maltese. All of Mistura’s songs are in Maltese even though a couple of song titles are in English. The album also has some explicit language – hence the warning label on the album cover.

(4) The themes of the album are explained thoroughly in the LovinMalta article called Here’s Why Malta Is An Absolute ‘Regħbus’. We collaborated with them on it to make sure we convey our message but no… we didn’t pay for it in case you’re wondering.

(5) We also did some newspaper interviews to explain what we’re up to, what we believe in and some of the album themes, how it was recorded and other tidbits. Here are three of the best ones:

(6) We also conducted some radio and television interviews, including the great Rockna programme with Michael Bugeja (you can listen to it HERE – it was a fun interview in which we made a lot of stupid jokes) and an interview on Local Angle with Christian Busuttil (click HERE to watch it). We thank them, along with others like Noel Mifsud and Ray Bajada, who also invited us, for their constant support.

(7) But what does the album sound like? Here are three videos: one is the first song we released called Tuna Isimkom. The second is an album sampler with short snippets of some of the songs. The third one was issued in January and is a lyric video for the song Mhux Xorta. Also the interview with Michael Bugeja contains  a couple of songs that were broadcast during the radio programme.

(8) We have also decided to issue all the lyrics of the album on this website. You can read them HERE.

(9) We intend to play this album live again but have not announced anything as yet. We suggest you ‘like’ our Facebook page HERE in order to start receiving updates and news about our future gigs.

(10) Last but not least, this album wouldn’t have been possible without the help and good advice we constantly get from many people we consider friends and family. You know who you are.

And one more thing… this album has neither been sponsored nor funded by anyone except the band itself. This means that the only support we can get is through the album sales and by getting paid for playing live. In this way we make sure not to have ties to organisations that might have their agendas imposed on us even indirectly or unintentionally. If you’d like a copy of the album please go to point number 2 for the details.

‘Regħbus’ it-tieni album mill-Mistura

Il-qoxra tal-album ‘Regħbus’.

Il-grupp mużikali lokali Mistura ser ikun qiegħed iniedi t-tieni studio album, bl-isem ‘Regħbus’, fl-ewwel ta’ Diċembru 2018 f’The Garage Ħaż-Żebbuġ. L-album, li fih 12-il kanzunetta oriġinali ġodda kollha bil-Malti, ikompli b’kummentarju soċjali jaqta’ li issa sar sinonimu ma’ dan il-grupp. Dan jinkludi l-kanzunetta ‘Tuna Isimkom’, li ħarġet b’video mużikali aktar kmieni din is-sena. It-titlu tal-album huwa logħba bil-kliem, fejn il-kliem ‘regħba’ u ‘rebus’ ġew imħallta sabiex inħolqot kelma ġdida fil-vokabularju Malti li tirrifletti t-tema tal-album.

“Dawn il-kanzunetti jesprimu ħsibijiet u sentimenti li huma għal qalbna” jgħid Malcolm, kantant ta’ Mistura. “B’Kanzunetti ġodda bħal ‘Little Malta’, ‘Pjan Perfett’, ‘L-Intitolat’ u ‘Mhux Xorta’ qegħdin nippruvaw ukoll nifhmu x’qiegħed jiġri f’dan il-punt ta’ ħajjitna f’pajjiżna u fid-dinja. Kif ngħidu fil-kliem tal-kanzunetta ‘Little Malta’, ‘Meta tara mappa tal-gżejjer Maltin mal-ewwel tinduna li there’s something fishy.‘”

Mistura ddebuttaw fl-2012 fil-festival tal-Għanja tal-Poplu fejn ħadu l-premju WAFA għall-aqwa talent ġdid. Minn dak iż-żmien ’l hawn huma daqqew f’diversi postijiet, fosthom Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, il-Farsons Great Beer Festival, l-Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca u Kotra. S’issa Mistura ħarġu studio album fl-2014 bl-isem ‘U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur’ u album live ta’ kunċert fl-2016 bl-isem ‘U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa’.

Aktar informazzjoni tinstab misturamalta.com.

Facebook Events page for launch of album HERE.

‘Regħbus’ the second album by Mistura

Local rock band Mistura will be launching their second studio album, named ‘Regħbus’, on the first of December 2018 at The Garage in Ħaż-Żebbuġ. The album, which contains 12 original new songs in Maltese, perseveres with sharp social commentary that has become synonymous with this group. This includes the song ‘Tuna Isimkom’, which was released with a music video earlier this year. The title of the album is a play on words, mixing regħba (greed) and rebus (chaos) to create a new word in the Maltese vocabulary that reflects the theme of the album.

“These songs express thoughts or a feeling close to our heart” says Malcolm, Mistura singer. “With new songs such as ‘Little Malta’, ‘Pjan Perfett’, ‘L-Intitolat’ and ‘Mhux Xorta’ we’re also trying to understand what’s happening at this point in our lives in our country and in the world. As the lyrics of ‘Little Malta’ succinctly state, ‘when you see a map of the Maltese islands you instantly see that there’s something fishy.'”

Mistura debuted in 2012, at the L-Għanja tal-Poplu festival where they won the WAFA award for Best New Talent. Since then, they performed at a variety of venues including Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, the Farsons Great Beer Festival, the Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca and Kotra. They released a studio album in 2014 called ‘U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur’ and a live concert album in 2016 called ‘U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa’.

More information can be found at misturamalta.com.

Mistura b’vidjo mużikali ġdid

Il-grupp lokali Mistura għadu kif nieda l-ewwel vidjo mużikali, li huwa tal-kanzunetta ġdida “Tuna Isimkom” mill-album il-ġdid li mistenni joħroġ aktar tard din is-sena. Bl-istil progressive rock, Mistura huwa wieħed minn ftit gruppi lokali li jdoqqu din it-tip ta’ mużika bl-ilsien Malti, xi ħaġa li l-vidjo stess jenfasizza.

“Peress li ħafna mill-kummenti li nirċievu jkunu dwar il-kliem tal-kanzunetti ħsibna li noħolqu ‘lyric video’ b’enfażi fuq il-lirika tal-kanzunetta, li wara kollox jgħin sabiex jitwassal aħjar il-messaġġ soċjali tal-kanzunetta u tal-album il-ġdid”.

Mistura ddebuttaw fl-2012 fil-festival tal-Għanja tal-Poplu fejn ħadu l-premju WAFA għall-aqwa talent ġdid. Minn dak iż-żmien ’l hawn huma daqqew f’diversi postijiet, fosthom Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, il-Farsons Great Beer Festival, l-Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca u Kotra. S’issa Mistura ħarġu studio album fl-2014 bl-isem “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” u album live ta’ kunċert fl-2016 bl-isem “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”.

Sadattant Mistura jixtiequ jagħmlu punt importanti dwar il-vidjo mużikali l-ġdid, li bħala tema jkompli jibni fuq il-kliem tal-kanzunetta li wieħed jista’ jiddeskriviha bħala bla kantunieri.

“Jekk wieħed ser jistenna li fil-vidjo ser joqgħod jarana niżfnu ma’ xi tfajliet bil-bikini u nippużaw bil-kitarra u bix-xoffa ‘l fuq ser ikun deluż.”

Aktar dettalji dwar l-album u t-tnedija tiegħu jitħabbru fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin fuq http://www.misturamalta.com.

Mistura release new music video

Local band Mistura have just released their first music video for a brand new song called “Tuna Isimkom”. This will be included in the band’s new album due out later this year. Emphasizing on progressive rock, Mistura is one of few local bands embracing this genre of musical style in addition to singing exclusively in their native Maltese language.

“Since many of the comments received by our followers are related to the lyrical content of the songs, we wanted to create a lyric video to further accentuate the lyrics. This will, after all, help us to further deliver the social message behind the song and consequently, behind the new album”.

Mistura debuted in 2012, at the L-Għanja tal-Poplu festival where they won the WAFA award for Best New Talent. Since then, they performed at a variety of venues including Rock the South, Teatru Unplugged, the Farsons Great Beer Festival, the Evenings on Campus, Notte Bianca and Kotra. They released a studio album in 2014 called “U d-Dinja Tkompli Ddur” and a live concert album in 2016 called “U l-Kotra Għajtet f’Daqqa”.

More details about the album and its upcoming launch will be announced within the coming weeks.